Common myths about car warranty
  • Nov 22, 2022

Common myths about car warranty

Purchasing car warranty packages have become common in the automotive industry to make vehicle maintenance easier and to avoid expensive repair bills in the future. But there are certainmyths about car warranty plansthat make it difficult for you to choose the proper protection plan based on the condition of your vehicle and budget.

It is always essential to understand the coverage level and pricing before finalizing the warranty plans. In this blog, we are going to discuss some of the myths which people commonly believe about the warranty.

Myth: You can purchase car warranty plans only from the dealerships.

You don’t need to purchase the car warranty packages only from the dealerships, you can also consider independent third-party car warranty companies to provide your car with the better protection that it deserves. Nowadays independent car warranty companies offer customized warranty plans with better coverage at competitive pricing along with a good network of mechanics where you can get the repairs or replacement done without any delay.

Myth: All extended warranty packages are the same

Many people think all extended warranties are the same but this is not true. The coverage level and the pricing differ between the plans and the warranty providers. The price you pay determines the level of coverage and the service you receive. If you are planning to purchase the extended car warranty it is essential to read the fine print carefully and research more about the coverage and the price so that you can choose the best plan that fits your requirements and budget.

Myth: There is no need to worry about your car if you have an extended warranty package

This is unfair, your job does not end with purchasing the extended car warranty packages for your car. There are some exclusions with the extended warranty packages that you must take into consideration. For example, routine maintenance is not included in any sort of car warranty plan, so you have to get the routine maintenance done on your own as per the manufacturer’s guidelines to keep your car warranty packages alive.

Myth: There is no need for an extended car warranty since a manufacturer's warranty is sufficient

Many people consider having the manufacturer warranty is enough but remember they do offer protection only for a short period depending upon the make and model of the vehicle.

After which you have to take responsibility for the repair or replacement of the electrical and mechanical systems in your car. So having extended warranty plans is needed to stay away from expensive repair bills in such situations.

Purchasing the extended car warranty packages before the factory warranty expires offers better terms, wider coverage and lower rates than you expect.

Myth: With the extended warranty you no need to pay anything out of your pockets

Depending on the car warranty company you choose, you need to pay a certain amount of deductibles for getting the repairs and replacement done during the extended warranty period.

With certain independent car warranty companies, the claims may not be instant so you need to pay the cost upfront and wait for the reimbursement to occur.

So if you are planning to purchase the extended car warranty plans read the fine print carefully to know more about the deductibles and the claims process.

Myth: Extended car warranties and the manufacturer warranty offer the same level of coverage

The extended warranty offers the coverage same as the manufacturer warranty or even beyond it based on the plans you choose. The manufacturer warranty plans are predefined whereas the extended car warranty packages can be chosen from a wide range of options based on the condition of your vehicle and the budget.

If you are planning to purchase a new car or used car warranty or the extended warranty plans in the UAE, then MP Warranties are the best choice. 

MP Warranties offers the best car warranties in Dubai & Abu Dhabi at the most competitive prices. Through their customer-centric approach, they offer better coverage beyond your expectation along with the instant claim process so that you can stay confident on the roads with your vehicle.

People often think purchasing theextended car warrantyis luxury but this is not true. When you need any major replacement that would drain your savings, having the extended warranty would be a savior. One would realize the benefits of having the extended car warranty packages only when it comes into use.

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