Discover Our Used Car Warranties: What We Provide and Why It's a Smart Investment
  • Oct 25, 2024

Discover Our Used Car Warranties: What We Provide and Why It's a Smart Investment

With a warranty plan on your car, you are ensured of complete peace of mind regarding its repairs in the event of any unexpected breakdown of failures. You do not have to stress about the hefty repair bills that you will have to pay out of your pocket as a result of any mechanical or electrical system failure.

B Warranty coverage for your used car becomes even more important if you own a used car. This is because used vehicles have already experienced wear and tear before they come into your possession. Hence, they are more likely to experience failures or breakdowns in the future. Warranty coverage will ensure your car receives proper repairs and maintenance to perform efficiently for a long time.

Why investing in our used car warranties is smart

Here’s why you should be investing in our car warranty plans.

  1. Hedge against inflation

With a warranty from MP Warranties, you are safeguarding your vehicle and budget from the costs of unforeseen repair bills. Moreover, when you buy a warranty from us you are locking in today’s rates for your spares and replacements. This means even if the cost of spares rises in the future, your replacement bill will not be impacted by inflation.

  1. Peace of mind

When you own a used car, you can face uncertainty regarding its history and potential problems. However, with our extended warranty coverage, you can manage the risk. If anything happens to your vehicle, you won’t have to pay hefty repair bills from your pocket. This can relieve much of the stress of owning a used car and bring you peace of mind.

  1. Smart investment

Investing in a warranty from MP Warranties is a smart decision. Smart car owners plan for the repairs of their vehicles. They do not like being caught off guard when a breakdown occurs. With luxury vehicles, it often happens that just one minor repair could cost more than the warranty package protecting your vehicle. Hence, our warranties also help you save money. Moreover, our car warranties are just an extension of your factory warranty. So, any unforeseen failure or malfunction with your car can be fixed immediately since it is paid for by the warranty as per the selected plan.

  1. Customized plans

The car warranty plans offered by MP Warranties are highly customizable. This means you can choose the plan you want for your vehicle, depending on the parts you need covered.

  1. Hassle-free claims procedure

At MP Warranties, we understand you need to have your vehicle back on the road as soon as possible. This is why we have an extremely simple claims procedure that allows you to get repairs for your vehicle within a short while.

Our used car warranties

At MP Warranties, we have the most comprehensiveused car warrantiesin the UAE. Our warranties give you the freedom to drive without worrying about breakdowns and expensive repair costs. We provide coverage for your luxury vehicles too.

Besides, you also receive;

  • A customized warranty plan to suit the needs of your vehicle
  • Comprehensive coverage for mechanical and electrical issues
  • We also cover labor along with parts
  • We provide complimentary perks such as roadside assistance and vehicle recovery support

Choose a plan that best suits your used vehicle to keep it functioning efficiently and ensure its longevity. We offer the maximum coverage at affordable rates without compromising on our quality of service. To know more about our plans, contact our warranty advisor and request for a free quote.


We are MP Warranties, the most reliableused car warrantyprovider in the UAE. Let us help You bear the burden of the repair cost of your used car. With coverage from us, your used luxury vehicle will receive the best care and high-tech repairs at the hands of specialized technicians. 

Ensure your vehicle’s longevity with wide-ranging protection from ourused car warranties. Our used car warranty will ensure you drive stress-free and safely. You will not have to worry about how to finance the expensive repairs of your vehicle.

Don’t wait any longer to give your used car the protection it needs. Get in touch with us today to get the best used car warranty option in the UAE. You can call +971 501 604 953 to talk to our warranty advisor and request for a quote.

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